An extraordinary day

A day when you have laughed is not an ordinary day. Anything or any event that has made you feel good or tingled your senses is absolutely an extra ordinary day. Sometimes without our knowledge we take these small joys and laughter and giggles for granted. Just imagine one of your life experiences that made you really sad and you have struggled really hard to bring a smile on your face. I have been in situations where it was impossible for me to feel happy and I have thought of days when I had laughed for the smallest of the jokes or smiled at the smallest of the joys. That’s when I realised that such days are not ordinary days, the days you have laughed and felt good are really extra ordinary. Let’s live in the moment and be grateful for such days.


Image source: Google


An unparalleled blueprint of poise, gallantry in the no less than a battle field called “Politics”, a face with utmost grace, Dr.J Jayalalithaa, fondly referred as “Amma” by the people of Tamilnadu and the “Iron Lady” of the Indian politics is truly an inspiration to many women across the country. I fall short of words explaining your aura. You will always be an example for many women in the male dominant society. You may have left the world but the magic of your personality will always be cherished.
Rest in peace.


I believe in them!

I often see and hear of people worshipping Human Gods or God’s messengers as some people may call them. Some of us believe in them and some don’t. Here and right now I would like to say it out loud, “Yes, I believe in Human Gods from my heart and soul”.

For me “Human Gods” are the ones who help and love another human and any living being, the ones who see others as one amongst  them and the ones who think others lives matter as much as theirs, the ones who save another human or any living being from sufferings, all those people who help other people in their difficult times, all those people who give emotional strength to the emotionally weak and bring them out of their pain. I believe that they exist, Human Gods exist !!!

How to get your Knight in the Shining Armour in 41 days !!!

Here is the thing that everyone of us in India has heard of….Especially the ones who have attained the marriageable age. Arrey aapki beti ki shaadi (Barbaadi) nahin hui abhi tak? Hey Bhagwaaaaan…..(with aunty’s mouth wide open)….Truly concerned of my well being….Such a sweetheart I tell u… Okay! So here this aunty gives my Mother India a great Idea. She asks her to take my Kundali to a famous astrologer. My adorable Maatashri follows her instruction and goes along with me and meets the astrologer. A very famous one, mind you 😉 . And wow that man is the Galileo of my life who found out that the stars in my Kundali are not aligned for marriage. This was in fact 10 years back when I just started to perfectly spell the word MARRIAGE. By the way the astrologer was single. How is it connected? Hang on to that for a while. Okay so, the stars are not aligned for my marriage. This was the biggest discovery for me. Not that I cared much anyway :p . Just had to put up a face that I cared. By the way, I am a good listener.

My poor mom was all worried. For an Indian parent there is nothing bigger than getting their daughter married. And they would do anything for that. As anticipated she asked the astrologer for a solution. Galileo said I would have to do a vrath of 41 days followed by a big puja on the 42nd day. The vrath was to give up on eating non-veg and read some mantras in the morning and evening in the prayer room after lighting the diya. I don’t like to hurt my parent’s sentiments. I agreed to do so. On the completion of the 41 long days of vrath I knew that my knight in the shining armor had already begun his journey to come into my life. 42nd day was the real big day. Puja day. The battalion of the Pandits came to my house. They made me sit and performed the puja. Honestly it was a good trance. I hardly understood what was happening. I was busy lost in my own thoughts. Anyway the pandits didn’t care. The puja was over. I had an amazing lunch and felt downright full. Okay this was probably the only good thing of the 41 days vrath. Good lunch.

Time passed…Nothing happened. The stars were still acting funny. What the hell man? 41 days gone in the drain? When my mum contacted the astrologer he said it will happen soon. And things happen when they are destined to happen and for everything there is a right time. True that Galileo, True that. Didn’t we all know that? But now this is interesting. Galileo was single right? He told my mum that he is getting married the next month. So now I was really furious. I did all the vrath and gave up on my favorite food and guess who got to eat the fruits of  my hard work? Galileo….Dude! Now this is disappointing. But what can anybody do?

This wasn’t over here….This pattern of doing pujas, going to the astrologers seeking help  continued till last April….In April I did a 21 days vrath. Only and only because I don’t like being disrespectful of my parents. Finally now my parents have come in terms with the fact that they don’t want their daughter to go through the pain of doing these kinda things to get married. And marriage is not any kind of stamp to prove one’s identity, Passport is 😉

So for all you people who are going through this, My advise is “Nothing”….LOL… I myself could not do much about this but just sail through…This shall too pass :p

One of the shots from one of the biggest of all the pujas in my life. Just before the Bakra was ready for Halal.

One of the shots from one of the biggest of all the pujas in my life.
Just before the Bakra was ready for Halal.

Splash Summer collection Press release

Life is better in flip-flops and beach wear, salt in the air and sand in your hair, isn’t it 😉 ? Splash has it all what it takes you to be there. I was beyond excited to go to the press release of the Splash Summer Collection. It was my very first experience in Dubai with regards to the press release of a fashion brand. The moment I stepped out of the elevator making my way out to the terrace of Sofitel Luxury Hotels where the event was being held, I would have anyway guessed what’s the kind of collection they were showcasing even if I would have gone with no prior knowledge.The set up was calling it loud. It was Summer.

What struck my eyes was the zebra print off shoulder rompers. Such a cool thing to laze around with a pair of rompers in the summer.  The Sexy Sarongs are my second favorite. While going through the rest of their collection including the swim wears, beach hats, shorts and t-shirts for men and the wayfarers, the other eye-catching thing was their fragrance line “Love Splash”. I am glad that they have introduced perfumes into their bunch. You may much agree that it is never complete without some aroma drops squirted on as perfumes are the most intense form of memory.


Besides all these things, the other thing that got me engaged was the music in the background. It exactly hit my chords in the most pleasant way .The arrangement was totally high-spirited and rocking. For not so much of a summer person Splash  got me to love summer just like how they have named their collection as “LOVE SUMMER”.


A Note to myself !

Why do you wanna do what you were never meant for? Life is as easy as taking a sip of that water. Lets not complicate. They say do what you love and love what you do. I may not much agree with the latter. How can you do what you don’t have your heart on?

I am a free soul.I am not restricted to a certain thought. My thoughts are free flowing.I have nothing to gain by impressing anyone by doing what I don’t have my heart and soul on. I want to breathe that air of freedom. I am not constrained. This is the way I am wired up.

I love how she works – My Mind. She likes to wander in all sort of directions and not settle for anything less than what she deserves. Because she believes in her beautiful reverie. She is like a bird. Don’t confine her. Because she is meant to fly.